Our Chiropractic Techniques
For over a century, chiropractic care has existed, steadily evolving and improving for the past 110 years. The science behind it all provides groundbreaking and innovative techniques and approaches to both pain management and well-being. One technique that is very popular is known as the Diversified Technique.
Diversified Technique
The Diversified Technique is a chiropractic care method proven to offer highly effective results for patients and help manage pain, improve posture, overall physical health, and wellness. Drs. Cullen and Mark have years of experience in its use and application. The staff at Empowered Chiropractic regularly participate in ongoing education and training, which includes the latest and best practices and methods for applying the Diversified Technique. Indeed, our chiropractic approach is always up-to-date with the latest science. Our office staff stays up-to-date with the latest chiropractic research, to ensure that we provide the best care using these effective adjustment techniques.
At Empowered Chiropractic, our team is also trained in Chiropractic Pediatrics, Chiropractic Prenatal care, Diversified technique, Activator technique, Thompson/Drop Table technique, Gonstead, and more. Indeed, we strive to provide gentle adjustments using a variety of techniques, which are tailored for each patient. Since each patient is unique, our care should also be unique for each patient. By customizing our patients’ care, we can help every patient achieve their specific health and wellness goals.
Understanding the Diversified Technique
At its most basic level, the Diversified Technique is a manual adjustment chiropractic technique that can correct subluxation or spinal misalignments in a gentle, non-invasive manner. This technique provides long-term relief and a more complete spinal correction. As a result, this helps the body move toward recovery and heal from pain, illness, and injury. At Empowered Chiropractic, part of our mission is to provide high-quality care, which is why we use this method. Our team participates in ongoing education and training, so we can stay current on the latest techniques and knowledge related to the Diversified Technique. This technique used in our office sets us apart from other chiropractic offices.
How Diversified Technique Works
By realigning these subluxations, communication pathways can reopen, which helps your body function better. This helps improve your nervous system function and enhance the brain-body communication systems.
Indeed, your body functions better when your spine is correctly aligned. The Diversified technique does not involve any twisting, cracking, or popping. Instead, this approach offers a gentle, stress-free, and comfortable method safe for all ages, which is why it’s the preferred method at Empowered Chiropractic.
Improving Your Spinal Health
Indeed, your body’s “natural” state is to be self healing. We tell our patients that “The body is a self-healing organism,” to explain how our techniques help the body naturally heal from within.
Whole-body health is directly connected to your spinal health. It is important to maintain proper alignment, which helps free yourself from injury, illness, and pain, as well as prevent future issues. Our approach at Empowered Chiropractic is perfectly described by this Hippocrates quote, “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.”
How Quickly Does It Work?
Drs. Cullen and Mark suggest patience throughout the chiropractic process. Chiropractic care is a whole-body approach that improves one’s health and wellness. We always encourage our patients to continue visiting us even after seeing results as this is an excellent addition to a regular health and wellness plan.
Are you ready to experience improved health and well-being? Call Drs. Cullen and Mark at Empowered Chiropractic to schedule an appointment and start your health journey today!
The Thompson Technique

Understanding the Thompson Technique
How the Thompson Technique Works
To adjust the leg length needed for each patient, chiropractors conduct a leg length analysis concept. This concept identifies imbalances in a patient’s leg length while the patient is lying in a prone position. Once this length is determined, the chiropractor uses this measurement to determine the area that needs to be adjusted.
The Activator Method
Understanding the Activator Method
In 1967, Dr. Arian Fuhr developed the first Activator Technique device, which was later patented in 1978. The FDA has approved this device as a safe and effective medical device. The Activator Method is a chiropractic technique that uses a special instrument to create gentle pulses. These pulses help correct subluxations and improve a patient’s overall health and posture. This technique is the second-most commonly used chiropractic method, right after manual adjustments. An estimated 70 percent of all chiropractors use this method, in addition to other techniques.
How the Activator Method Works
Unlike other techniques, the Activator method does not use a hands-on approach. Instead, chiropractors use a special instrument to produce a gentle, pulsating force on the vertebrae of the patient’s spine. The Activator method is particularly beneficial for targeting specific points, which other techniques cannot do. Indeed, this instrument uses rubber pistons to effect spinal adjustments, which minimizes the risk of discomfort or injury.
By using this device, a chiropractor can gently realign the vertebrae and other structures back into proper alignment. As a result, this improves the communication pathways within the body, which enable the body and its systems to work better.
The Gonstead Technique
Understanding the Gonstead Technique
During the mid-20th century, Dr. Clarence Gonstead created this popular chiropractic method. Dr. Gonstead founded the globally famous Gonstead Clinic of Chiropractic in Mount Herb, Wisconsin, where he performed over four million chiropractic adjustments. His passion and research led to this technique that uses biomechanical analysis and has become a gold standard in the chiropractic industry.
How the Gonstead Technique Works
After a complete analysis, the Gonstead technique is ready to deliver any necessary adjustments. The focus of this technique is to be as specific, precise, and accurate as possible. This precision means chiropractors only address the problem areas, such as areas of subluxation or nerve interference. Chiropractors ensure that they perform a bio-mechanically correct position and precise thrust, which provides the most accurate adjustment possible using various Gonstead technique tables and chiropractor hand placements. The goal of this technique is to restore and maintain a patient’s optimal health by identifying and correcting any interferences to the nervous system caused by vertebral subluxations. Dr. Gonstead describes this technique perfectly: “Find the subluxation, accept it where you find it, correct it, and leave it alone.”